A Starting Point

This is our first post, and we intend to add many more.  We'll use this forum to talk about things that are on our minds, trends that we think are important, other ideas we consider worth reading and thinking about, and projects that we are pursuing that are of shared interest.

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The three concentric circles may mean many things to many people.  For us, the three circles are both a bullseye representing the challenge and reward of aligning culture and organizational leadership and design.  And, the three circles around the bullseye represent the three levels of organizational culture that Ed has been talking about since the early 1980s -- Artifacts, espoused values, and the inner circle, tacit assumptions.  A deep understanding of organizational culture requires visibility and understanding of all three levels, all three circles.  That is our starting point.

If you want to read more about the three levels, take a quick look at Ed's Wikipedia entry "Schein's organizational culture model"

And stay tuned for more...