Humble Leadership 2nd Edition

Proud to announce the release of Humble Leadership Second Edition!

This work brings together decades of scholarship and hands-on experience with organizational culture, group dynamics and leadership development. This is Ed's and my last effort as co-authors. We were both very happy with how it all came together last winter, only a few weeks before Ed passed away in late January. We took some creative license to add some very important stuff to what we had presented in the first edition, including a little more on culture and groups. And we did all we could to keep it simple and to the point! A couple Ed sayings might peak your interest: 1) "Leadership is a group sport" - If you believe your success as a leader is a reflection of the kinds of relationships you nurture, in 360 degrees, we think you will find the frameworks and stories in this book helpful and encouraging. 2) "The only thing of real importance that leaders do is to create and manage culture". Sure, easier said than done. Hopefully this book will give you some ways to be specific in thinking about the culture you create, when and how it needs to change. ~ Peter Schein